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How To Increase Traffic to Your Website?

​Organic and Paid Traffic

If you are looking to grow your Business online, the two most popular ways are:

1. Organic Traffic (i.e. non-paid traffic)

2. Paid Traffic (i.e. paying for online advertising).

1. Organic Traffic


SEO is short for Search Engine Optimisation, which is simply adjusting your site to ensure the best chances of ranking high in Search (e.g. Google).

Local SEO

Local SEO involves helping your business be found by customers in your area on Google, Maps and Location-based searches.


NAP stands for Name, Address and Phone Number. Your NAP is also called a citation. Google looks at all the places your NAP is present and rewards you for having your business name, address and number listed on reputable websites.

Article Marketing

Article marketing involves creating helpful content for your target audience that is shared via your blog, website or social media pages. The more content you can produce that people find helpful and share with others, the greater the chance your website has of ranking in Google.

2. Paid Traffic

Online Advertising

Online advertising involves creating either a text, image or video advert that is shown online, which people click on to come back to your website. Text Advertising involves creating text ads which people click on to come to you website. For How To Create Google Text Ads Check out this Google Search Advertising video.

Banner advertising is one of the most common types of online advertising as you can choose which websites you want your adverts to show on. To get started, check out this Google Display Advertising video.

Video Advertising involves creating short video ads that play before you watch a video on YouTube. To find out how to create a YouTube Video Advert, check out this great YouTube Advertising Video Tutorial.

Social Media Advertising

Social Media advertising involves paying to advertise your content on a Social Media channel. Probably the simplest way to do this is to promote one of your existing social media posts. Check out this video for how to promote a social media post.

Or you can create a Social Media advert and pay to share that on social media, check out this video for how to create a Social Media Advert.

Website Takeovers

Website takeovers involve paying to have your brand advertising shown on another website's homepage for a certain period of time. What's great about this is you can increase the chances of reaching target customers as websites usually have detailed data on who their audience is. The downside is the expense, homepage takeovers are not cheap! Check out this video for a great example of a Homepage Takeover Campaign by Emirates Airlines. To do a homepage takeover campaign, scroll down to the footer of the website you're looking to advertise on and click on the Advertising Link, then contact the website owner and negotiate cost and terms to advertise on their site.

The Bottomline...

When it comes to building website traffic, we usually recommend both Organic and Paid Traffic to Clients, as Paid is a great way to boost website visitors in the beginning, while the organic approach takes slightly longer, however the traffic is affordable, sustainable and can give a better long term ROI.

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If you'd like help increasing your website traffic and sales to grow your business, feel free to contact us:

Image: WhirDigital

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An all in one solution to get found fast online, drive more website traffic, increase customers and grow your Business. 


An all in one solution to get found fast online, drive more website traffic, increase customers and grow your Business. 


An all in one solution to get found fast online, drive more website traffic, increase customers and grow your Business. 


An all in one solution to get found fast online, drive more website traffic, increase customers and grow your Business. 


An all in one solution to get found fast online, drive more website traffic, increase customers and grow your Business. 


An all in one solution to get found fast online, drive more website traffic, increase customers and grow your Business. 


An all in one solution to get found fast online, drive more website traffic, increase customers and grow your Business. 


An all in one solution to get found fast online, drive more website traffic, increase customers and grow your Business. 

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